About Us

As the population of Holocaust survivors diminishes daily and global antisemitism surges, The Gross Family Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the Holocaust is on the front lines working to raise awareness of the Holocaust through powerful and educational public programming that addresses the history of the Holocaust, the singular most catastrophic genocide in history, and its consequences including the challenges of contemporary antisemitism.
“The Holocaust must always be prominent in our minds and in the conscience of humanity, and serve as an unequivocal warning in perpetuity. As a binding decree to uphold the sanctity of life, equality among men, freedom and peace.”
– Shimon Peres, Former Prime Minister of Israel
Advisory Board Members
Brigitte Bass
Michael Bass
Arthur S. Berger
Irving Berkowitz, Ph.D.
Caren Besner
Helen Boehm, Ph. D.
Susan Cain
Teddy Campo
Wendy Campo
Maureen Carter
Richard Cravatts, Ph.D.
Dee Dameo
Jeanne Epstein
Luis Fleischman, Ph.D.
Hal Gottschall
Gayle Gross
Gregory Gross
Michelle Gross
Nancy Gross
Paul Gross
Roger Gross
Ellie Hart
Rabbi Yaron Kapitulnik
Steven M. Kruh
Arnold Lampert
Julie Strauss Levin, Esq.
Stacey Levy
Doreen Lieberman
Michelle Lobovits
Susan Meier
Alan Newman
Stephen Oder
Ron Pertnoy
Susan Shulman Pertnoy
Kathy Rensin
Nadine Richterman
Alexander Schachtel, Esq.
Jordan Schachtel
Beryl Schneider
Bob Schneider
Alan Shulman
Elizabeth S. Shulman, Ph. D.
N. Deborah Stapler
Linda Stoch
Stephen E. Sussman, Ph.D.
Roger Ward, Ph.D.*
Naomi Weissenberg
Sharona Whisler
Lawrence Windler